Sunday, March 28, 2010

Restylane-L is a Winner

Restylane-L provides an excellent correction and goes in comfortably like other pre-mixed Lidocaine fillers.  It will definitely have a place in my practice and I encourage you to try it if you like Restylane in the past.

LEARN MORE about Fillers

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winning Attitude

I want to take a moment to share an inspiring quote I heard this week from author John Maxwell describing the advice he was given from John Wooden, 99-year-old retired UCLA basketball coach while talking about just how important a positive attitude plays in life:

Things work out the best
For those who respond best
To how things work out.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Announcing Restylane-L

Medicis, the makers of Restylane and Dysport have gained FDA-approval for Restylane-L.  Like Juvederm XC mentioned in a previous post, this is a hyaluronic acid pre-mixed with a Lidocaine numbing agent.  I have not been detailed on this product yet and have not had the chance to use it, but I will let you know as soon as I gather knowledge and experience with it.   I continue to have excellent feedback and results on bothe Juvederm XC and Dysport.   Stay tuned!

Friday, March 5, 2010

5 Reasons to Avoid Liposuction of Double Chin

1. Risk of Divots or oversuctioned areas.
2. Risk of thickened scar tissue or Skin rippling.
3. Drainage and Chin Strap necessary during recovery period.
4. Surgical incison and/or punctures necessary.
5. Risk of adjacent tissues/nerve injury from insertion and force of cannulas.

Lipodissolve represents a non-surgical alternative for smoothly and evenly reducing a fatty double chin and or jowls in a 15 minute injection procedure.  LEARN MORE