Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Collagen You've Been Waiting For

Finally, a long-acting, natural, no skin-test filler with minimal risk of bruising or swelling.

Dr. Don Rainone, the first provider in the Greater Manchester NH area, proudly launches a revolutionary breakthrough in the filler market.

This porcine derived collagen is so similar to human collagen that it does not require a skin test, allows for rapid clotting after injection (preventing bruising), and is not identified as particularly foreign to the body reducing the swell response typically seen with these types of treatments. It is cross-linked with a sugar-type molecule to create longevity and one may expect six months or even up to one year.

It is brought to you by the trusted name of Johnson and Johnson.

Perfect for fine to moderate lines and crease over most of the face, this filler truly earns it's identity as "an event filler."

Come on your lunch hour and go out that night! It's that simple.

This product may not be used in the red part of your lips or around the eyes, and an alternate product might be suggested for very deep lines or folds or for volume replacement in the cheeks.